Learning Analytics
Educational Data Mining
Educational Escape Rooms
Complex Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Data Visualization
Data Engineering
Game-based Learning
Sequence Analysis
Idiographic Analysis
Research Interests
- (2018-2021) PhD in Telematics Systems Engineering - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Cum Laude, Extraordinary mention, International mention)
- (2016-2018) Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- (2012-2016) Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Work Experience
- (2024-Now) Academy Fellow - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing / School of Teacher Education
- (2022-2024) Senior Researcher - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing / School of Teacher Education
- (2022) Post-Doctoral Researcher - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing / School of Teacher Education
- (2021-2022) Assistant Professor (Ayudante) - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Sistemas Informáticos
- (2021) Project Researcher - University of Eastern Finland - School of Teacher Education
- (2018-2021) Doctoral Researcher - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2017-2018) Graduate Research Intern - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2016-2017) Undergraduate Research Intern - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2025) SoLAR Emerging Scholar Award (Europe)
- (2024) IEEE TCLT Early Career Researcher Award in Learning Technologies
- (2024) Best paper award at the TEEM 2024 conference (Alicante, Spain). Track "Unveiling Learning Analytics and Grey-Box Modelling: Bridging Theory and Data-Driven Insights"
- (2024) Best reviewer award at the ICALT 2024 conference (Nicosia, Cyprus)
- (2024) Nominated to best poster award at the EC-TEL 2024 conference (Krems, Austria)
- (2024) Nominated to best paper award at the ICALT 2024 conference (Nicosia, Cyprus)
- (2024) Best paper award at the LAK 2024 conference (Kyoto, Japan)
- (2023) Best paper award at the TEEM 2023 conference (Bragança, Portugal). Track "Gamification and Games for Learning (GAMILEARN)"
- (2023) Best paper award at the TEEM 2023 conference (Bragança, Portugal). Track "Data-Driven Education: Overcoming Hurdles for the Future of Learning Analytics"
- (2023) Award to the most cited article from a PhD thesis at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Premios UPM 2022)
- (2022) Research award to the best doctoral thesis (ex aequo) in the experimental and technological sciences by the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (RADE)
- (2022) Extraordinary PhD thesis award from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- (2021) Best proyect award in the XV open source software contest (CUSL) for the development of Educational Data Virtual Lab
- (2020) Best copyleft license project award in the XIV open source software contest (CUSL) for the development of Escapp
- (2018) Best educational innovation group award at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- (2018) Best local project (Madrid) award in TadHack
- (2018) Second best Kairos implementation award in TadHack
- (2024-2025) Web programming I - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing
- (2023-2025) Data management systems - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing
- (2022-2024) Advance data management systems - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing
- (2022-2023) Learning Analytics - University of Eastern Finland - School of Computing
- (2021-2022) Advanced databases - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Sistemas Informáticos
- (2021-2022) Software Verification and Validation - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Sistemas Informáticos
- (2019-2021) Big Data: Foundations and Infrastructures - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2019-2021) Web Engineering - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2018-2021) Network Computing - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2018-2021) Programming 101 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2021) MOOC “Gestión de proyectos software con Git y GitHub” - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2021) MOOC “Desarrollo Frontend con HTML, CSS y Javascript” - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2019-2020) MOOC Specialization “Desarrollo Web Full-stack con JavaScript y Node.js” - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2014-2019) Editing applied physics topics in Wikipedia - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSI Telecomunicación
- (2022) Design and creation of educational escape rooms - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE)
- (2022) Cooperación y resolución de problemas a través de escape rooms educativas - Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA)
- Supervisor of 10 undergraduate theses in the Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Supervisor of 2 master theses in the Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Supervisor of 1 master thesis in the Master of Science in Telematic Services and Network Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Co-supervisor of 10 PhD theses on learning analytics and education technology at University of Eastern Finland (ongoing)
Research Visits
- (2024) Melbourne University - Australia (2 weeks)
- (2024) Monash University - Australia (1 week)
- (2024) University of Technology Sydney - Australia (1 week)
- (2023) Aalto University - Finland (1 week)
- (2023) Oulu University - Finland (10 days)
- (2022) Kassel University - Germany (1 week)
- (2022) University of Osnabruck - Germany (1 week)
- (2022) University of Eastern Finland - Finland (1 month)
- (2021) University of Eastern Finland - Finland (1 month)
- (2020) KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Sweden (3 months)
Research Projects
(role: PI) - Funded by: Research Council of Finland
CRETIC (Optimizing Clinical Reasoning in Time-Critical Scenarios: A data-driven multimodal approach) aims to optimize emergency training of healthcare students and trainees. I will develop an innovative gamified platform that combines virtual patients and elements of educational escape rooms to simulate clinical emergencies. Data from multiple sources (physiological sensors, questionnaires and digital logs) will be collected to capture the full breadth of the dynamics of the clinical reasoning process. The data will be analyzed using the latest temporal learning analytics and explainable artificial intelligence methods to map the clinical reasoning process and the factors that lead to successful and effective decision-making. The proposal will result in an open scalable platform that will dramatically improve the training of medical emergencies, offer personalized insights into effective decision-making, provide a safe environment for practicing challenging clinical situations, and ultimately decrease medical errors, one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
(role: PI) - Funded by: CREA MEDIA (European Comission)
ENDGAME is an innovative project aimed at cultivating critical thinking and responsible digital citizenship among European youth through educational escape rooms that simulate real-life scenarios of information consumption. We aim to immerse participants in time-sensitive, interactive, and challenging experiences, where they will develop their skills in identifying disinformation, recognizing AI-generated content, and understanding the implications of personal data exposure on social media platforms. In order to address the diverse cultural, political, and socioeconomic contexts across Europe, the project tailors its content to three distinct countries: Finland, Serbia, and Spain. Participatory workshops involving local communities in selecting pressing media-related topics will be conducted, ensuring regional priorities are reflected in the escape rooms. To maximize outreach, the escape rooms can be played individually or in teams, both face-to-face and online. Competitions in schools and city venues, presentations at teacher fairs, gamer events, and scientific conferences will ensure a broad audience is reached. Online webinars and streaming events on platforms like Twitch will engage participants worldwide. To evaluate impact, the gameplay log data generated by the escape room players will be analyzed using learning analytics methods to identify knowledge gaps, serving as a diagnostic tool for targeted media literacy training. The project's alignment with the call's goals is evident in its emphasis on innovation through educational escape rooms, technological changes in media (including AI's role in disinformation), online inclusivity, and a participatory approach promoting diversity. Our proposal stands at the forefront of media literacy education, leveraging technology, inclusivity, and cross-border collaboration to equip the next generation with the critical skills needed to navigate the complex media landscape responsibly.
(role: local PI) - Funded by: Erasmus+ KA220
The IGLUE (Implementation of game-based learning using escape rooms) project aims to empower universities to create and conduct pedagogically sound educational escape rooms and promote the widespread use and adoption of such innovative learning activities across Europe. First, a methodology for designing pedagogically sound educational escape rooms will be defined. Then, a virtual platform for creating, conducting, and sharing educational escape rooms will be developed and deployed at each participating organization, forming a European network. Teachers will be trained on how to use the methodology and the platform and will execute pilot escape rooms to validate the developed solution. Several dissemination and exploitation activities will also be carried out.
(role: local PI) - Funded by: Erasmus+ CBHE
MakerWomenSTEM is aimed at capacity building to: 1) design a reference framework to guide the development of pedagogical strategies based on Maker education with a focus on the development of entrepreneurial skills aimed at achieving the success of women in STEM disciplines (Maker@Women-STEM); 2) develop training actions validated by micro-certifications that allow the training of women as mentors of the Maker@Women-STEM methodology; 3) Implement training actions such as workshops and courses based on the Maker@Women-STEM methodology that contribute to scaling up entrepreneurial skills in STEM disciplines as well as women's digital competences; and 4) strengthen international collaboration by disseminating knowledge, strategies and results of the implementation of Maker@Women-STEM through the creation of international networks of researchers that investigate the topic
(role: PI) - Funded by: Erasmus+ KA220
The ISILA (Improving the quality and sustainability of learning using early intervention methods based on learning analytics) project's objective is to give all partners the tools needed to continuously monitor student progress and achievements throughout their learning by monitoring student educational data using learning analytics. These tools will involve both innovative teaching practices focusing on intervention methods during the learning, and the software platform that will allow for tracking student learning data that can provide information on student progress and engagement in learning. Visit the website: https://blogs.uef.fi/isila/
(role: Development lead) - Funded by: Nordplus
BalticSeaBioMed forms today the collaborative network in the field of Biomedicine between Universities of Eastern Finland (UEF), Southern Denmark (SDU), Turku (UTU), Vilnius (UV), Åbo Akademi (ÅAU) and Karolinska Institutet (KI). We form a successful, well-functioning network with an established track record, and demonstrate a capacity for continuous development and renewal. In our new application for 2023-2024, we will address the urgent topic of global health by applying state of the art biomedical methodology into research on environmental impact of pharmaceuticals and certain other factors detailed in the application, thereby training the students in skills/competences required for future employability and successful careers
- (2024-2025) BalticSeaBioMed/2024 (role: Development lead) - Funded by: Nordplus
- Funded by: Business Finland
The aim of the research project is to identify through learning analytics, the key elements of learning processes that support the development of high quality learning and development of know-how. This research project examines the development of learners’ skills, the learning process, learning outcomes and the key elements in the pathway in multiple learning contexts through multiple case-studies, utilizing the same learning analytics tools.
- (2020-2022) ENVISION_2027 - Funded by: Erasmus+
- (2021-2022) Maldita Escape Room - Funded by: Maldita.es
- Funded by: Erasmus+
ILEDA is an Erasmus+ funded project with three main goals: (1) to design a framework for developing and integrating existing learning environments with digital tools in order to support online and blended learning with learning analytics, (2) to identify Learning analytics data that can be used to monitor learning performance, with the goal to identify at risk students of dropping out, and (3) to develop a software tool that collects and provides analysis on student learning activities.
- Funded by: EIT Digital
SmarTerp addresses inefficiencies in interpreting by developing AI-powered tools embedded in a Remote Simultaneous Interpreting system that automates the human human task of extracting information in real-time to prevent the mistakes and loss of quality derived from the adoption of remote technologies. The Remote Simultaneous Interpreting system is based on Licode.
YODA: Your Open DAta
- Funded by: European Commission
YODA (Your Open DAta) provides a service for European citizens that allows them to create personalised dashboards binding several sources of data (including the European Data Portal) through a single application. In addition, the Action deploys a data processing infrastructure that, on the basis of real time and machine learning processing, will provide additional processed results and predictions to the developed personalised service.
- Funded by: EIT Digital
A/RporTWIN is a new generation management platform focused on Airport Management and Airport’s operations. It acts a single-source of truth for different airport related operators. Some of its features are VR/AR and Mixed technologies compatibility, third party data integration and rich information representation. The data management core is based on FIWARE.
- Funded by: European Commission
Boost 4.0 is the biggest European initiative in Big Data for Industry 4.0. With a 20M€ budget and leveraging 100M€ of private investment, Boost 4.0 will lead the construction of the European Industrial Data Space to improve the competitiveness of Industry 4.0 and will guide the European manufacturing industry in the introduction of Big Data in the factory, providing the industrial sector with the necessary tools to obtain the maximum benefit of Big Data.
- Funded by: European Commission
This project integrates the eIDAS-compliant national eIDs in services offered by the European academic world. We created a virtual student card based on the standard eIDAS attributes for physical persons, extended with those new attributes required for the academic environment. We integrated the solution in several services of the universities taking part in the consortium (UPM, POLITO, ULISBOA, JSI and University of Graz).
- Funded by: European Commission
This project integrates the eID DSI in the FIWARE platform, which provides a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for the development of Smart Applications in sectors oriented to the Future Internet. It will develop FIWARE Identity Manager – eIDAS authentication gateway joining both eIDAS and FIWARE Identity Manager. After the integration of eID DSI with FIWARE Identity Management and Access Control General Enabler, it is possible to access FIWARE ecosystem services with eIDAS eIDs of EU citizens.
- (2014-2018) FIWARE: FI-CORE + FI-NEXT - Funded by: European Commission
Editorial work
- (2024-2025) Chair of the Posters & Demos Track at the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK)
- (2024-2025) Senior member of the Program Committee of the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK)
- (2025) Member of the Program Committee of the Annual Meeting og the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
- (2024-2025) Editor of the book “Advanced learning analytics methods: AI, precision and complexity” by Springer: https://lamethods.org
- (2023-Now) Associate Editor at IEEE Transactions on Education
- (2024-Now) Associate Editor at Frontiers in Education
- (2023-Now) Academic Editor at PLOS One
- (2025) Guest Editor of the Special Issue "From Chaos to Clarity: Unveiling the Dynamics of Learning Processes with Complexity Sciences" at the British Journal of Educational Technology
- (2024) Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Rethinking Blended Learning in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" at the British Journal of Educational Technology
- (2021-2024) Member of the Program Committee of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE)
- (2024-2025) Member of the Program Committee of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)
- (2024) Member of the Program Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning (ICALT). Tracks APTeL and BDELA
- (2024) Member of the Program Committee of the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK)
- (2023) Member of the Scientific Committee of the Koli Calling conference
- (2023-2024) Member of the Scientific Committee of the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM) conference. Tracks LA and GamiLearn
- (2023-2024) Guest editor of the Special Issue on "Individual differences, heterogeneity, and person-specific idiographic learning analytics" of the Learning and Individual Differences journal
- (2023) Member of the organizing committee and proceedings editor of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories workshop (TELL 2023) in CEUR
- (2023) Topic editor in “Education Reimagined: The Impact of Advanced Technologies on Learning” of the Frontiers in Psychology journal
- (2023) Guest editor of the collection "Teaching and Learning Artificial Intelligence" at the Discover Education journal by Springer
- (2023) Member of the DC Program Committee of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2023)
- (2023) Editor of the book “Learning analytics methods and tutorials: A practical guide using R” by Springer: https://lamethods.org
- (2022) Editor of the “Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research” book by Springer: https://cerbook.org
- (2022) Member of the Organizing Committee and proceedings editor of the Networks and Learning Analytics Workshop (NetSciLA22) co-located with the Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK 2022) in CEUR
- (2022-2024) Member of the Organizing Committee and proceedings editor of the Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC) in CEUR
- (2022-2025) Senior member of the Program Committee of the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Conference
- (2022) Topic editor in “Towards 2030: Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. An Educational Perspective” of the Frontiers in Education journal
- (2021-Now) Academic Editor at International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS)
- (2021-2022) Guest editor in the Special Issue “The Future of Educational Technology” of the Education Sciences journal
- (2020-2021) Guest editor in the Special Issue “E-learning Trends and Opportunities” of the Education Sciences journal
- (On-going) Reviewer for the several journals:: British Journal of Educational Technology, Computers & Education, Computers in human behavior, Education and information technologies, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, IEEE transactions on learning technologies, Learning and individual differences, Journal of Learning Analytics, Frontiers in Education, Interactive Learning Environments, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, SAGE Open, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, and Journal of Learning Analytics, Journal of computing in higher education, IEEE Access, PLoS One, among others
Other community service work
- (2025) Reviewer for Novus-Living Lab-Experiential Classroom funding proposals at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
- (2024) Reviewer for SOLAR ECR Research Grants
- (2024) Reviewer for Discovery Grant funding proposals at Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- (2024-2025) UEF DIGS Research Community Steering Group member
- (2024) PhD Thesis reviewer at Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
- (2023) PhD Thesis reviewer and defense committee member at Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)
- (2023) PhD Thesis reviewer and defense committee member at Universidad de León (Spain)
- (2023-2024) Reviewer for funding proposals for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
- (2023) Reviewer for Comenius Leadership Fellows 2023 grants
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities
- (2024) Founding member of the WOFE (WOman FEmale) Community which aims to provide a safe and supportive space for students and staff to share their ideas, experiences, and challenges, with a special focus on fostering conversations around gender equality in STEM
- (2024) Women in Engineering panelist at ICALT 2024
- (2021) Developed an educational escape room to fight against misinformation about migrants. Done in the context of a collaboration with Maldita.es based on the Escapp platform
Other merits
- (2024) Invited keynote speaker at the eLearning conference (Belgrade Metropolitan University)
- (2022) Awarded Title of Docent in Educational Data Mining at University of Eastern Finland
- (2021) Invited keynote speaker at the OAHOT project seminar (University of Eastern Finland)
- (2021) Invited speaker at the Unlock project seminar (Universidad de Granada)
- (2018-2022) Participated in 12 Educational Innovation projects (funded by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- (2019-Now) FIWARE individual member
- (2016-Now) Additional training: +200 hours of online courses in data science, big data and programming, +500 hours of pedagogical training, and +60 hours of research training
- (2011) Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) - C2