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Construct a transition network analysis (TNA) model from sequence data. The function takes a data set of sequence of events or states as input and builds a TNA model. It extracts the edge weights and initial probabilities from the data along with the state labels. THe function also accepts weight matrices and initial state probabilities directly.


build_model(x, type = "relative", scaling = character(0L), ...)

# Default S3 method
  type = "relative",
  scaling = character(0L),
  params = list(),

# S3 method for class 'matrix'
build_model(x, type = "relative", scaling = character(0L), inits, ...)

# S3 method for class 'stslist'
  type = "relative",
  scaling = character(0L),
  cols = seq(1, ncol(x)),
  params = list(),

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  type = "relative",
  scaling = character(0L),
  cols = seq(1, ncol(x)),
  params = list(),

# S3 method for class 'tna_data'
build_model(x, type = "relative", scaling = character(0), params = list(), ...)

tna(x, ...)

ftna(x, ...)

ctna(x, ...)



A stslist (from TraMineR), data.frame, a matrix, or a tna_data object (see prepare_data()). For stslist and data.frame objects x should describe a sequence of events or states to be used for building the Markov model. If x is a matrix, it is assumed that the element on row i and column j is the weight of the edge representing the transition from state i to state j. If x is a data.frame, then it must be in wide format (see cols on how to define columns for the time points).


A character string describing the weight matrix type. Currently supports the following types:

  • "relative" for relative frequencies (probabilities, the default)

  • "frequency" for frequencies.

  • "co-occurrence" for co-occurrences.

  • "n-gram" for n-gram transitions. Captures higher-order transitions by considering sequences of n states, useful for identifying longer patterns.

  • "gap" allows transitions between non-adjacent states, with transitions weighted by the gap size.

  • "window" creates transitions between all states within a sliding window, capturing local relationships (several sequences together).

  • "reverse" considers the sequences in reverse order (resulting in what is called a reply network in some contexts). The resulting weight matrix is the transpose of the "frequency" option.


A character vector describing how to scale the weights defined by type. When a vector is provided, the scaling options are applied in the respective order. For example, c("rank", "minmax") would first compute the ranks, then scale them to the unit interval using min-max normalization. An empty vector corresponds to no scaling. Currently supports the following options:

  • "minmax" performs min-max normalization to scale the weights to the unit interval. Note that if the smallest weight is positive, it will be zero after scaling.

  • "max" Multiplies the weights by the reciprocal of the largest weight to scale the weights to the unit interval. This options preserves positive ranks, unlike "minmax" when all weights are positive.

  • "rank" Computes the ranks of the weights using base::rank() with ties.method = "average".




An optional numeric vector of initial state probabilities for each state. Can be provided only if x is a matrix. The vector will be scaled to unity.


A list of additional arguments for models of specific type. The potential elements of this list are:

  • n_gram: An integer for n-gram transitions specifying the number of adjacent events. The default value is 2.

  • max_gap: An integer for the gap-allowed transitions specifying the largest allowed gap size. The default is 1.

  • window_size: An integer for the sliding window transitions specifying the window size. The default is 2.

  • weighted: A logical value. If TRUE, the transitions are weighted by the inverse of the sequence length. Can be used for frequency, co-occurrence and reverse model types. The default is FALSE.


An integer/character vector giving the indices/names of the columns that should be considered as sequence data. Defaults to all columns, i.e., seq(1, ncol(x)).


An object of class tna which is a list containing the following elements:

  • weights: An adjacency matrix of the model (weight matrix).

  • inits: A numeric vector of initial values for each state. For matrix type x, this element will be NULL if inits is not directly provided

  • labels: A character vector of the state labels, or NULL if there are no labels.

  • data: The original sequence data that has been converted to an internal format used by the package when x is a stslist or a data.frame object. Otherwise NULL.


model <- build_model(group_regulation)
#> State Labels
#> adapt, cohesion, consensus, coregulate, discuss, emotion, monitor, plan, synthesis 
#> Transition Probability Matrix
#>                   adapt   cohesion  consensus coregulate    discuss    emotion
#> adapt      0.0000000000 0.27308448 0.47740668 0.02161100 0.05893910 0.11984283
#> cohesion   0.0029498525 0.02713864 0.49793510 0.11917404 0.05958702 0.11563422
#> consensus  0.0047400853 0.01485227 0.08200348 0.18770738 0.18802338 0.07268131
#> coregulate 0.0162436548 0.03604061 0.13451777 0.02335025 0.27360406 0.17208122
#> discuss    0.0713743356 0.04758289 0.32118451 0.08428246 0.19488737 0.10579600
#> emotion    0.0024673951 0.32534367 0.32040888 0.03419105 0.10186817 0.07684173
#> monitor    0.0111653873 0.05582694 0.15910677 0.05792045 0.37543615 0.09071877
#> plan       0.0009745006 0.02517460 0.29040117 0.01721618 0.06789021 0.14682475
#> synthesis  0.2346625767 0.03374233 0.46625767 0.04447853 0.06288344 0.07055215
#>               monitor       plan   synthesis
#> adapt      0.03339882 0.01571709 0.000000000
#> cohesion   0.03303835 0.14100295 0.003539823
#> consensus  0.04661084 0.39579712 0.007584137
#> coregulate 0.08629442 0.23908629 0.018781726
#> discuss    0.02227284 0.01164262 0.140976968
#> emotion    0.03630596 0.09975326 0.002819880
#> monitor    0.01814375 0.21563154 0.016050244
#> plan       0.07552379 0.37420822 0.001786584
#> synthesis  0.01226994 0.07515337 0.000000000
#> Initial Probabilities
#>      adapt   cohesion  consensus coregulate    discuss    emotion    monitor 
#>     0.0115     0.0605     0.2140     0.0190     0.1755     0.1515     0.1440 
#>       plan  synthesis 
#>     0.2045     0.0195 

model <- tna(group_regulation)

model <- ftna(group_regulation)

model <- ctna(group_regulation)