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tna 0.4.1

  • The detailed argument of estimate_centrality_stability() has been implemented. Previously this argument had no effect on the output of the function.
  • Removed several duplicated entries in the documentation.

tna 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2025-03-01

  • The prepare_data() function now produces an object of class tna_data, which can be directly used as an argument to build_model() and other methods.
  • The prepare_data() function now supports order when used together with time and actor.
  • The prepare_data() function gains the unused_fn argument of tidyr::pivot_wider() to process any extra columns. The default is to keep all columns and use the first value.
  • Added the function compare() to compare tna models and weight matrices. This function produces an object of class tna_comparison which has print() and plot() methods.
  • Added the function plot_mosaic() which can be used to produce mosaic plots of transition counts for frequency-based transition network models and to contrast the state counts between groups.
  • Fixed an issue with plot.tna_communities() which now checks for the availability of a particular community detection method before plotting.
  • Made several arguments in the plot methods of the package accessible to the user.

tna 0.3.2

  • event2sequence() has been renamed to prepare_data(). The function is now also more general and can process more date formats.
  • Added a method argument to bootstrap(). The new default option "stability" implements a bootstrapping scheme where the edge weights are compared against a range of “consistent” weights (see the documentation for details). The old functionality can be accessed with method = "threshold".
  • Fixed an issue with permutatation_test() when x and y had a differing number of columns.
  • Community detection methods can now be selected using the methods argument in communities().
  • The build_model() function has gained the argument cols which can be used to subset the columns of the data for stslist and data.frame inputs.
  • Removed all verbose arguments in favor of options(rlib_message_verbosity = "quiet"). and options(rlib_warning_verbosity = "quiet").

tna 0.3.1

  • Fixed an issue when checking the validity of character type arguments.
  • Improved the bootstrap() function to determine edge significance based on deviation from the observed value, rather than a fixed threshold.
  • Added a helper function event2sequence() to parse event data into sequence data.

tna 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-12-11

  • Added support for grouped sequence data (clusters).

tna 0.2.0

  • Added bootstrapping, permutation test, and centrality stability functionalities.

tna 0.1.0

  • Initial version.